Looking for a cupcake donation for an event or fundraiser?
PinkaBella takes pride in partnering with local organizations and fundraising events.
If you would like us to consider donating cupcakes to your event, please complete the donation request form.
Once received, your request will be reviewed by the donation committee and we will get back to you in about two weeks.
American Cancer Society/Seattle Rock n Roll
City of Redmond, Teen Programs
Eastside Academy
Families Of Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT)
The First Tee Greater Seattle
The Food Lifeline
Friends of Orphans
Girl Scouts
Humane Society
Lake Washington High School Kang Football Association
Make A Wish Foundation
NICHCY Children with Disabilities
Northlake Young Life
Northshore Fire Foundation
Medical Teams International
Moyer Foundation
Olive Crest
Redmond Fire Foundation
Redmond High School, Mustang Athletics
Rose Hill Elementary PTA
Rwanda Partners
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle Urban Academy
Susan G. Komen for Cancer Research
United Way
Vision House (Jacob’s Well)
World Concern
World Vision